Regular 91
Gull's popular Regular 91 is refined to meet the requirements of all spark ignition engines.
Premium 95
Warrantied to New Zealand's premium petrol specifications, Premium is a high-octane alternative.
Gull Diesel is an ultra-low sulphur fuel, applicable for use across many transport categories.
Force 10 Biofuel
Gull Force 10 is a high performance 98 octane fuel made with 10% sustainable bioethanol.
Terminal Gate Pricing
Wholesale pricing for the bulk supply of petrol or diesel from a fuel terminal.
Safety Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets provide important information on hazardous substances that we supply.
Regular 91
Gull's popular Regular 91 is refined to meet the requirements of all spark ignition engines.
Premium 95
Warrantied to New Zealand's premium petrol specifications, Premium is a high-octane alternative.
Gull Diesel is an ultra-low sulphur fuel, applicable for use across many transport categories.
Force 10 Biofuel
Gull Force 10 is a high performance 98 octane fuel made with 10% sustainable bioethanol.
Terminal Gate Pricing
Wholesale pricing for the bulk supply of petrol or diesel from a fuel terminal.
Safety Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets provide important information on hazardous substances that we supply.